HSRM Is partnering financially with the Heavenly Valley Mission as well as providing training through the Renewal School of Ministry.
You are invited to join us in the exciting outreach mission with any financial gifts by clicking on the Square icon on the right.
The Heavenly Valley Mission is involved in educating pastors, establishing churches, distributing bibles and leading the nation of India to Jesus.
You may also support this outreach by mailing checks or money orders to the HSRM Treasurer.
Please make your check out to HSRM India Outreach, and mail it to the following address:
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries
c/o Richard Baldwin
398 Nolane Lane
Polk City, FL 33868
If you have questions or would like more information about giving to the HSRM India Outreach Ministry,
please email our Treasurer, Mr. Richard Baldwin at treasurer@hsrm.org
HSRM sponsors Women's conferences to promote the Holy Spirit, encourage women, and to help further their walk with Jesus.
We have been in Dayton ,Ohio, Monroe, Michigan and Kingston, New York.
Watch for women's conferences in the future near you.
It’s a weekend for an awesome spiritual upgrade! Built on the foundational truth that God’s people are to go “from glory to glory,” (2Cor3:28) A Glory Weekend opens the way for people to experience a closer walk with God, with fresh empowerment by the Holy Spirit, to live the victorious Christian life.
Brought to you by Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries (HSRM), the weekend is conducted by a team of lay leaders and incorporates times of praise and worship, team teaching and testimonies, activities, group sharing, fellowship, and prayer ministry.
Glory Weekends are a catalyst to move believers to be sold out, all in and full on for Christ, strengthened by a fresh encounter with God’s love and a fresh infilling of the Holy Spirit, and learning to do the things that Jesus did. A Glory Weekend not only blesses the individual, it blesses the whole church. As people flourish, churches flourish!
It is God’s desire and destiny for every believer to be in a deepening relationship with Him, loving Him and being loved by Him. Glory Weekends help to restore a desire for that and a return to our “first love.”
Let’s go “from glory to glory” together
Kathie H:
I had never experienced ANYTHING like Glory weekend in my entire life. I was overwhelmed by my feelings, my thoughts and by the team that lead the weekend. We broke up into groups and were assigned a scripture to read. We were to find a place of solitude for 15 minutes. My first thought was I will not be able to do this. Fifteen minutes is too long. What I found out was 15 minutes was NOT too long and that I enjoyed finding out how God and I interact with each other.
I was not able to be in the sanctuary for the main message. When I returned after the service was over, I witnessed my youngest daughter in tears. She stated she had never been moved like that in her whole life. I knew that the Holy Spirit had moved in her that day. It is a day and time that lives within my heart.
Lorraine M:
Everything seemed coming at me from all directions. My daughter's family was having problems, stress at church, health problems. I was so depressed and alone. When Glory Weekend came to our church, I went forward to receive prayer and laying on of hands. The Holy Spirit came to me, loving me and telling me I was not alone. Now I can face each day knowing I AM NOT ALONE.
Contact HSRM at admin@hsrm.org for more information on how to schedule a Glory Weekend
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries