Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries provides a wonderful, sacred place for hungry believers to have a theologically-grounded, radical encounter with the Holy Spirit. I strongly recommend the leadership, the team, and the overall approach. They value excellence. They treasure a solid commitment to Scripture and sound theology. And most of
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries provides a wonderful, sacred place for hungry believers to have a theologically-grounded, radical encounter with the Holy Spirit. I strongly recommend the leadership, the team, and the overall approach. They value excellence. They treasure a solid commitment to Scripture and sound theology. And most of all - and probably what's most needed in this moment in history - is they give the spiritually hungry an opportunity to meet the real and living God through the Person of the Holy Spirit. We're in an Isaiah 6 moment, where God is birthing societal reformers and sending them into every area of culture to bring Kingdom impact. Before Isaiah could be commissioned as a "sent one," he first had to be "undone." He was "undone" when He saw the Lord in the place of divine encounter. Thank you Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries for cherishing the importance of the divine encounter. Your events continue to serve as supernatural set ups for old and young alike to encounter God and become "sent ones."
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries has become a catalyst for global revival. The sparks from the fire of this ministry are igniting people all over world. I have personally witnessed people healed, delivered and restored as the Holy Spirit orchestrates His supernatural power through this ministry at conferences. HSRM is truly a new wineskin that is being filled with Holy Spirit wine!
Fresh Oil, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire,Fresh Word...FRESH ENCOUNTER!
We all left the HSRM Conference in Awe! My group, totally amazed by the versatility and the diversity of the entire presentation and spirit of the conference. They also loved the interaction of fellowship. Their one word take away...Empowered!
As a presenter, my audience
Fresh Oil, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire,Fresh Word...FRESH ENCOUNTER!
We all left the HSRM Conference in Awe! My group, totally amazed by the versatility and the diversity of the entire presentation and spirit of the conference. They also loved the interaction of fellowship. Their one word take away...Empowered!
As a presenter, my audience was hungry, expectant, passionate and eagerly awaiting For the word And the move of the Holy Spirit. I was like a sponge, wanting to take it all in.
The HSRM Conference is definitely a model and presentation of authentic Christianity. A visible structure and tool for implementing kingdom Strategy and advancement. Thank you John Piippo for taking me to the “deep dive”.
Thank you HSRM Conference for allowing the precious move of the Holy Spirit to be evident without apology!
You are putting the church back on course
In church culture where discipleship is often misunderstood or neglected, Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries has been and remains a faithful and constant voice and source for countless Christians around the world.
Over many years, I have personally been blessed beyond belief by the brotherhood of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries largely due to t
In church culture where discipleship is often misunderstood or neglected, Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries has been and remains a faithful and constant voice and source for countless Christians around the world.
Over many years, I have personally been blessed beyond belief by the brotherhood of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries largely due to their dedication to upholding the Lordship of Christ and the Authority of Scripture.
The words and actions of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries have and continue to make communities and the Body of Christ solid ground for the Holy Spirit to work His wondrous ways. I remain incredibly grateful and humbled by their continued efforts which by no means has gone unnoticed.
Pastor Phillip Lee
Executive Director
His Way Out Ministries
The spiritual health and faithfulness of every American Baptist pastor, lay person and congregation depends upon the life-changing ministry of God's Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries is devoted to encouraging us to open our hearts and minds to the work of the Holy Spirit. It partners with churches and ABC regions to awaken us
The spiritual health and faithfulness of every American Baptist pastor, lay person and congregation depends upon the life-changing ministry of God's Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries is devoted to encouraging us to open our hearts and minds to the work of the Holy Spirit. It partners with churches and ABC regions to awaken us all to spiritual gifts and the healing power of Jesus — without inciting division or controversy. HSRM's director, Dr. Clayton Ford, has a unique ability to present a renewal message that challenges and affirms at the same time. As an ABC Executive Minister, I endorse the efforts of the Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries to bring God's people into a new and growing appreciation of the role that the Holy Spirit should play in our journeys. The Holy Spirit is our friend — let's deepen our relationship with the Spirit and be renewed!
"I used to pastor in an ABC church in Allentown, NJ and the Green Lake charismatic conferences were a lifeline. I remember when James Bealle preached and the Holy Spirit crushed me into pieces. Now I have been in South America for the last 33 years seeing revival. One day I really yearn to be at the conference again. Love what you are d
"I used to pastor in an ABC church in Allentown, NJ and the Green Lake charismatic conferences were a lifeline. I remember when James Bealle preached and the Holy Spirit crushed me into pieces. Now I have been in South America for the last 33 years seeing revival. One day I really yearn to be at the conference again. Love what you are doing." Andrew McMillan,
Pastor of Comunidad Cristiana de Fe, a 10,000 member church in Medellin, Columbia www.fepaisa.com
I have attended the Holy Spirit Renewal Conference (Green Lake) as well as other HSRM events and have found that HSRM leaders present the teaching and ministry of the Holy Spirit in a way that leads us to be inspired and strengthened. In my role with International Ministries, I attend many conferences, pastor training events, etc., but t
I have attended the Holy Spirit Renewal Conference (Green Lake) as well as other HSRM events and have found that HSRM leaders present the teaching and ministry of the Holy Spirit in a way that leads us to be inspired and strengthened. In my role with International Ministries, I attend many conferences, pastor training events, etc., but the presentations of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries add heart and inspiration, a welcomed and needed message to ministry leaders today!
"This statement is to recommend and endorse the ministry of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries. As an American church leader, I deeply appreciate those men and women who have chosen to be a part of a movement that "keeps the fire burning" or sometimes actually are "fire starters" for the entire church, including denominations as well as inde
"This statement is to recommend and endorse the ministry of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries. As an American church leader, I deeply appreciate those men and women who have chosen to be a part of a movement that "keeps the fire burning" or sometimes actually are "fire starters" for the entire church, including denominations as well as independent.
HSRM has a decades-long history of being a lighthouse for all of those who are seeking to move more in the power of the Holy Spirit and to advance the Kingdom of God. I have also been greatly blessed to be invited as a speaker at their annual summer conference, and I encountered the powerful fellowship, community, and "house of prayer" that is HSRM. I want to encourage you to consider joining them in their annual summer conference as well as engaging all of the amazing ministries that they bring to the Body of Christ. There is hope for a bright future for the Church because of Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries!"
At my first Holy Spirit Conference I encountered my Heavenly Father’s love in a powerful and transforming way. Since then I have been coming with my family for over 20 years! Today we have four generations present at the Holy Spirit Conference. It has been awesome seeing God move in my family’s life. There is no greater joy as a father to see my children and grandchildren responding to the work of the Holy Spirit in their lives. RB
What a wonderful blessing this ministry and conference has been to our family for many years. We’ve grown in our relationship with the Lord through HSRM and all the wonderful speakers at the Holy Spirit Conferences. LK
At my first Holy Spirit Renewal Conference a 29-year addiction to pornography left me! Since that conference I have simply walked from all that junk, no thoughts, no desires, no nothing! It’s so awesome to be free! I also received the Holy Spirit in a powerful way. Since then I have prayed for people, seen healings, had loads of words of knowledge and prophetic words. Gifting in the worship arts was released in me as well. It has been so amazing since and yet God keeps showing me more and more of who He is and what He has for me and my family. SD
When I came to my first Holy Spirit Renewal Conference I was hurting from a year of dealing with rebellious 4th and 6th grade students. Going forward for prayer after an evening session I thought, “What I need is to be slain in the Spirit, but that probably won’t happen.” I only asked to be prayed for “for a healing of my relationship with children.” Suddenly I was down – having been caught by a prayer team member! It wasn’t until September that my soul healing was confirmed on my first day back to school, when I heard one of my former students say, “Here comes the witch -- hide, hide,” and I silently prayed, “Bless them, Lord!” Teaching once more became a joy! PC
This was my first time at a Holy Spirit Renewal Conference and I wondered what I was getting into! So many loving people, so much joy!! The Lord confirmed His love for me over and over. Communion was such a sweet experience with so much love. My pain became joy! SA
I love coming to the summer Holy Spirit Conference, seeing familiar faces as well as making new friends. This conference has helped me to grow in the Holy Spirit! MS
The Lord Jesus Christ has been so good in comforting me through some losses through His Spirit and God’s children gathered at the Holy Spirit Renewal Conference. To come and worship the Father in the freedom of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name and to experience the ministries of encouragement and inner healing prayer through this ministry is something I will always be grateful to our Heavenly Father for. He has given me “beauty for ashes!” LL
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries will always be very special to me because of being filled with the Holy Spirit at the Holy Spirit Renewal Conference. Praise the Lord! DM
The Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries’ conference is my lifeline and where my “well” gets filled every year. The speakers always give me new eyes to see how the Holy Spirit is at work in the world. I also get a deeper level of understanding the scriptures and, most of all, to be around people who have a passion to learn more about the Holy Spirit and how He can work in our lives. I thank God for the consistent, God-directed leadership team and am so blessed how they go out to share where invited year round about the empowering of the Holy Spirit. Praise God for this opportunity to have a taste of how heaven will be like! MS
This week at Holy Spirit Renewal Conference has been the most amazing and power-filled week I’ve ever had! God has truly targeted HSRM and is moving! My body is being healed finally after many years of chronic pain and fatigue. I feel alive finally!! I can move and walk and run without intense pain! Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!! He has awakened me and stirred my heart. He’s given me a heart that truly loves people and am seeing what He feels! God is beyond amazing!! This HSRM has touched my life so powerfully! God bless all!
HSRM was in Scottsbluff, NE in May 2017 and the Holy Spirit showed up
Scottsbluff StarHerald
Pate's faith helping her overcome COPD
· CHARISSA BRYCE Staff Reporter cbryce@starherald.com Nov 23, 2017
SCOTTSBLUFF — Children’s laughter floats on the crisp fall air as Wanda Pate tosses a football with her two youngest grandkids in her front yard. It’s almost unbelievable she can do this due to her chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
Every breath was agonizing pain for Pate this time last year. Now, she is able to breathe pain free and wants everyone to know why.
Pate was first diagnosed with COPD in 1998 when she was working as a cook. Due to her guilt of smoking and lack of funding to pay for care, Pate refused to acknowledge the diagnosis.
“I didn’t tell anybody about it and I didn’t go back to the doctor, which caused the disease to progress quite rapidly,” Pate said. “It was getting worse by the minute and I just didn’t want to face it.”
The pain and side effects of the disease caused Pate to retire. She moved to Scottsbluff to be near her family and decided to try working again.
“I found a job at Walmart as a greeter,” she said. “One time after getting home from work, I called my son Tim and asked him to take me to the doctor because when I removed my shoes, my feet and legs were so badly swollen that I knew I’d never get back into my shoes again.
“I realized that I was probably dying.”
Pate went to the hospital and was diagnosed again with COPD as well as congestive heart failure.
“They kept me in the hospital for a couple weeks and the doctors told me I couldn’t leave the hospital without being on oxygen,” Pate said. “I said I cannot afford to be on oxygen and they got me on disability and Medicaid.”
Pate knew she was bad off with her health, but she continued to live her life as best she could through the pain.
“In May of 2017, we had a conference at our local First Baptist Church,” Pate said. “One of the important speakers at the conference mentioned how important the powers of the Holy Spirit are.
“He spoke about how many healings had been done by Jesus with the touch of his hands as a tool,” she said. “At the end of that Sunday school class, he asked if there was anybody with any requests or questions and I said ‘I want to receive one of those healings.’”
Her fellow church members as well as those traveling with the speaker gathered around Pate to pray for healing.
“He asked that it be members with belief in the power of healing of the Holy Spirit and nobody else touch me,” she said. “And he asked about my own faith and I said ‘I know that Jesus has the power to heal me.’”
After the prayer, Pate was asked to stand up and take a deep breath.
“I knew that it was working because when I took a deep breath in, I no longer experienced pain and I haven’t since that day,” Pate said, smiling. “I can breathe in and out without pain and now I can also have lots of time without my oxygen at all. The Spirit is healing me.”
Breathing deeply brings more joy than imaginable to Pate. She described what went through her head after taking those first pain free breaths after the prayer.
“I wanted to scream ‘Hallelujah, praise the Lord!’ because it was such a sign to me that God was already busy working to remove the COPD,” Pate said, laughing and smiling. “You’ll never know what an impact that had on me. I never thought to take another deep breath. In fact, I avoided breathing deeply because it caused pain. I don’t have to avoid it anymore.”
Pate said she hasn’t received complete healing because of her own guilty feelings concerning her decision to smoke and thus causing her COPD.
“Once I erase the guilt of smoking, I know the healing will be complete. I know that He’s forgiven me, I know He has,” Pate said, emphatically. “The fact that I hang on to the guilt is something I have to get rid of. I know I was sinning by smoking and defiling the temple of God and I don’t have to feel guilty about that. When He forgave me, I should have been able to forgive myself.”
Though she can’t do all she used to, Pate has been improving steadily, which is unheard of in most COPD cases.
“My lung function was at 40 percent a year ago, that was my worst,” Pate said. “Then they did another lung function test and I’m almost to 70 percent.”
The nurse who tested Pate’s lungs didn’t call her back for nearly two months.
“She said she was talking to professionals all over the country because no one has ever seen it get better,” Pate said. “And she was afraid to tell me because she didn’t want to build up false hope in me. It always gets progressively worse, not progressively better. But I know it’s not false hope, I know it’s getting better. It’s amazing. I’m thrilled.”
Pate talked about her favorite thing she can now do again thanks to her healing.
“Play with the little ones,” she said, grinning as she thinks about her grandkids. “I’m so happy and I’m so blessed. Those little ones know the difference. Before I started falling all over the place, I actually ran with them through my house, chasing them and trying to grab their ears. They loved that game and we were able to take that game outside without my oxygen tank and let me run a little bit. I was quickly back on, but it was a thing that never could have happened before.”
Pate shared the Bible verse that helps her keep believing in her healing: Philippians 4:13.
“‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me,’” Pate said, with a smile.
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries