Pastors and Leaders
Take your people on a 31-day prayer journey, using this book.
31 Letters to the Church on Praying is a one-month devotional guide, for all who seek to deepen their praying life.
The job description of every pastor is: to make disciples. Would you like to be part of being discipled, and disciple-making? In 31 Letters Pastor John Piippo has adapted letters he originally wrote for his church family. This book is for every pastor, and person, who longs to grow in their apprenticeship to Jesus. This is an excellent disciple-making resource for churches, and individuals.
Progressive Christianity is an ethos, a mind set, more than a movement. It is indebted to political progressivism and postmodern philosophy. It has a trajectory, which is secularism. In Deconstructing Progressive ChristianityJohn Piippo explains this ethos, with its corresponding trajectory.
This is a book about the primacy and centrality of God and his unsurpassable presence, and what this means for the Church. The presence of God is the core, the sine qua non, of mere Christianity. God’s presence is what is needed to win the day over the present powers of darkness. This book shows what it means for a church to be presence-driven, and what leadership looks like in the presence-driven church.
Every follower of Jesus is called to have a praying life. But many confess that they are “too busy to pray.” This book is a record of observations, experiences, reflections, and biblical and theological conclusions, written by a busy pastor who discovered praying as a conversation with God that has lasted for forty years.
This book is a collection of essays on the Holy Spirit from Christian leaders who are active in Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries. It is the story of a conference that became a family. The chapters present a biblical and theological understanding of the Holy Spirit, with stories of experiencing and encountering the Spirit.
With all that is going on in our world in these days, it is understandable that many Christians, as well as people in general, are wondering if we are in the “last days.” Christians in particular are sensing that we may be approaching what the Bible describes as the Tribulation period, the Rapture, and the Second Coming of Christ.
What you will find in this book is Dr. Clayton Ford’s very compelling Biblical case for believing that the Rapture of the Church takes place after the Tribulation per
A Fresh Look at the Holy Spirit and the Spirit Filled Life
Called to High Adventureis a book whose time has come! Finally, a book about the Holy Spirit that builds bridges rather than barricades, that brings Christians together instead of tearing them apart. This fresh approach to the ministry of the Spirit will greatly encourage pastors and leaders who earnestly desire spiritual renewal but who want to get there with theological integrity, and without creating unnecessary divisions within their
This book is the Perfect companion to Called to High Adventure in a Bible Study setting or as a personal study guide.
You may obtain copies of the study guide by contacting Dr. Clayton Ford at
Within the American church, there has been a great divide among charismatic and noncharismatic Christians.
While charismatic Christians believe fully in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as speaking in tongues and prophecy, noncharismatic Christians feel these particular spiritual gifts that appear in the New Testament were merely temporary signs of their times.
Dominguez addresses this divide through the lens of Christ’s discipleship and the specific missions God set forth for his church.
This study guide—the companion to Steve Dominguez’s The Intended Christian Life—is a resource every believer should have on his or her shelf. Who doesn’t want—and need!—a clear and concise reference book at the ready to answer compelling questions about God and living the Christian life? This guide will do just that, as well as inspire group discussion and meet the need for a daily devotional.
God is ready to change your life. Are you?
Set Free can help bring hope and freedom to a situation in which you or someone you know might be struggling. It combines truth from God’s word, powerful testimonies, practical action steps and prayers to partner with God’s power to activate and maintain freedom.
The Pilgrim's Progress is not a simple story. Its truths, nevertheless, should not be missed.
What does walking with Jesus look like in this life? The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time, answering that question and illustrating the deepest struggles Christians face as they walk with God in this life. Since its publication in 1678, it has been the most widely read Christian book other than the Bible. From the dark confines of a prison cell, John Bunyan wrote a book that transformed not only his experience but that of millions after him.
This study is a companion to the award-winning The Pilgrim’s Progress, faithfully retold by Cheryl Ford
The Pilgrim’s Progress is one of the greatest Christian classics of all time. First penned by John Bunyan in 1678, it has enriched and transformed the lives of millions the world over. C. S. Lewis described it as “a book that has astonished the whole world.” And it lives on to impact God’s pilgrims today!
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries