As of May 7, 2025, to fly within the United States, you will need a REAL ID-compliant driver's license or another acceptable form of identification like a U.S. passport, meaning your state-issued ID must be marked with a star to be considered REAL ID compliant; if you are unsure, check with your state DMV to confirm.
Saturday night June 28
6:30- 9:00pm Evening Childcare (see specifics below)
6:30 Opening Session Starts
End of service Parent Meeting—back of Pillsbury Hall
Sunday - Wednesday
8:30 – 12:20 Children's Center and Childcare Daily
9:00 –12:00 Youth Ministry at Lone Tree Lodge
9:00 Morning Session Starts
11-12:20 Workshops Monday and Wednesday
Extended Speaker time Tuesday and Thursday
12:30 to 6:30 pm Free Time—-Have Fun!
6:15 Pre-service Prayer in Roblee
6:30 Evening Childcare (see specifics below)
6:30 Evening Session Start
9:00 pm Childcare pick up time
Please pick up your little ones and bring them back into Pillsbury with you. Jesus told us to “Love the Little ones” and we would love to have the children in Pillsbury with us after 9:00 pm to allow you to enjoy the end of the conference session and the ministry time each night.
7:20 Daily NSC/Exec Committee Prayer/share time
in LaDue-Boddie Rm, 1st Floor Bauer Lodge
Daily Noon Daily Pastor’s Track lunch meeting
Monday 1:30pm Pastors & Spouses Meet and Greet Hour
in LaDue-Boddie Rm, 1st Floor Bauer Lodge
Tuesday 1:15 pm NSC Annual Meeting
in LaDue-Boddie Rm, 1st Floor Bauer Lodge
Saturday PM TBD
Sunday AM TBD
Sunday PM TBD
Monday AM TBD
Monday PM TBD
Tuesday AM TBD
Tuesday PM TBD
Wednesday AM TBD
Wednesday PM TBD
These Great workshops are yet to be announced
These Great workshops are yet to be announced
Each morning following worship our bible study time will feature an exciting spiritual leader sharing their heart on recipes for freedom which will take us deeper into the study of the bible.
Please join us and let God’s word help us all grow.
Pick up at the conference end or have the flash drive shipped
You may pick it up at the conclusion of the conference or it will be mailed to you within 4 weeks of the conference. This MP3 format affords you the blessing of hearing again and again the messages that have changed your life.
We also offer past years MP3’s for $25.00/ year.
We accept cash, check, debit/credit.
Order your Flash drive at the Registration table.
Pastors and spouses, you are invited to an informal meet and greet hour on Monday after lunch, from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in the La-Due Boddie Room in Bauer Lodge. Come and go as you wish. Meet and visit with others who are serving the Lord in the special role of pastor and/or missionary. We honor you and your service to the Body of Christ!
Prayer Room
Visit the Roblee Room adjacent to the conference hall lobby in Pillsbury Hall anytime from 12:30 to 6:00 pm. Leave prayer requests, intercede for others, or spend time with the Lord. Post a testimony of answered prayer and inspire others to trust God -- there is power in the testimony! Pray for a Great Awakening in the USA! Pray for a harvest of souls in the nations! Pray for revival in the Church!
Prayer Ministry Teams
The prayer ministry team in each session is composed of the NSC members and spouses and other invited prayer ministers who have been with HSRM for 5 or more years. You will recognize the prayer team members by the label on their name tag. Please see Pastor Ross Lieuallen, prayer team coordinator, for details.
Pre-Service Prayer
Every evening at 6:15 p.m. in the Roblee room off the stage in the main hall we have pre-service prayer.
Join with us as we pray for the conference and the speakers.
This is open to all conference attendees.
“Come, Holy Spirit, Come!”
HUGE thanks to the Redeemer Fellowship Church (Monroe, MI) worship and AV teams for their commitment, service and ministry among us providing excellent worship and sound for us.
We also want to thank the many volunteers that step forward to help and make this conference possible from child care to the video and audio recording, registration, water and book tables and all the big and small tasks in between.
The Executive Board also needs to be thanked for their hard work all year long planning the details for the next year’s conference, all while ministering at their churches and in their communities.
If you see any of these individuals around the grounds thank them for making this conference a great experience for everyone.
The music on the screens is being displayed under the HSRM CCLI license which is available upon request.
Coffee and Water
Coffee is available in Ollies Café in the Kraft building.
They will offer Cold brews, flavored beverages, ice cream, sundaes, shakes, popcorn and hot pretzels
Their Hours are:
Saturday 1-5 pm
Sunday closed
Monday 1-5 pm
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 1-5 pm
Thursday 1-5 pm
Friday 1-5 pm
Bottles of water will be available at the rear of the conference hall.
HSRM Scripture Quilt
The quilt was again created and donated to be auctioned off with the profits from the auction going to HSRM.
Our ministry has purposed to keep registration fees low in comparison to other, similar conferences, in order to make the conference available and affordable to all.
We are grateful for your contributions
Free will offerings will be taken during the conference as a way to cover the costs that far exceed what is collected in registration fees.
We are grateful for every contribution to what God is doing through the Ministry
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries is a 501c3 charitable organization, and all of your donations for our ministry are tax-deductible. HSRM needs your prayers as well as your financial support as we seek to empower God's people to change our world for Christ and to extend His Kingdom and glory throughout the earth. Please consider making HSRM a part of your regular giving to the work of God as we go forward with exciting new initiatives and outreach to participate in God's great end-time harvest. It's a great investment in the Kingdom of God!
You can give online at to be taken to the HSRM web page to give either as a one-time gift or as a monthly continuing gift.
We thank you for any amount you are able to give, large or small.
HSRM sends out informational emails periodically. If you would like to be on this list, please sign up on the HSRM web site, or send an email to
A number of email providers will put HSRM emails into either the junk and/or promotional folder. If you haven't been getting HSRM emails during the year please check your junk and/or promotional folders to see if the emails have landed there. THEN add Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries ( directly into your contact list so HSRM is a recognized sender. An email can also be sent to asking us to check the email address we have on file for you.
HSRM does not offer arranged private counseling sessions as part of our ministry during the conference, but if you need help or prayer you are free to seek out someone on your own. Many in attendance are seasoned pastors and/or people of prayer.
Little Ones Childcare: ages 9 months - 3 years
Location: Mahaney-McGarvey Rm in Roger Williams Lodge.
Mornings: 8:30 am - 12:20 pm
Evenings: 6:30 - 9:00 pm
Kids Edition: Kids ages 4-10 (entering 5th grade)
Location: Crystal Dining Rm in Roger Williams Lodge
Morning hours: 8:45am-12:15pm.
Evenings: Conclusion of worship to 9:00 pm
Evenings continued: We value our children and desire them to be part of what God is doing in the conference during the worship time. Thus there will be no childcare available for children older than three years until after worship. At that time children ages 4-10 will be released to childcare with their caregivers until the 9 pm pickup time. Children over the age of 10 will remain in the evening service.
Kids this is what you can expect:
● Playing Stations- Legos, coloring, playdough, blocks and a quiet corner for reading ● Snack and Prizes
● Worship, prophetic art, prayer, individual prophetic ministry
● Teaching on the Heroes of the Faith
● Learn a Hymn
● Q & A about the Holy Spirit- along with topics like: How does God speak through our dreams? How do we share our faith with our friends? How can I hear the voice of God?
● Arts and Crafts
● Alway getting a chance to move - you learn best if you can wiggle a bit
● Outdoor fun- playground, tag, gogo ball, soccer and walks around the grounds
For the Parents:
Please keep your phone on your person in case we need to contact with you.
We need to be notified if someone other than the adult dropping your child off will be picking them up.
On the Children’s Ministry Registration Form, you will need to register the names of all family members who will be part of your child pick up team. Children will only be released to those listed on the form. Please have a photo ID ready to present when you pick up your children.
If your child needs sunscreen please apply it before you arrive.
Pick-up Instructions:
Mornings: Please pick up children of all ages no later than 12:20 PM. This will likely require slipping out of workshops before they wrap up.
Evenings: You will need to pick your children up by 9:00 PM. You are encouraged to bring your children back into the meeting with you for the last part of the service and prayer ministry time.
Registration: Please fill out our Children’s Ministry Registration Form, available at the conference registration table in Pillsbury Hall lobby.
On the Children’s Ministry Registration Form, you will need to register the names of all family members who will be part of your child pick up team. Children will only be released to those listed on the form. Please have a photo ID ready to present when your children are picked up.
Cost: Child care is free for your children in Kids Edition or Little Ones Childcare. Please consider contributing toward our expenses to allow us to continue to provide this ministry and service for your family. Any amount large or small is appreciated! Donations earmarked for Children’s Ministry may be made at the registration table at any time during the conference, or placed in the offering. Thank you!
Snacks: Some simple snacks of popcorn and water will be provided for the children each morning and evening session. If your child has any dietary restrictions please send snacks for them, as we will not be able to cater to individual diets.
Parent/Guardians must not leave the conference center grounds while the children are under our care. Contact numbers are required.
Parents with babies: There is a quiet sitting area in the Nativity Lounge at the rear of Pillsbury Hall where parents can take babies and still be able to listen to the speakers.
Childcare Pick-up
Please pick up your little ones and bring them back into Pillsbury with you so you don't miss the end of the evening message and the ministry time. Jesus told us to “Love the Little ones” and we would love to have the children in Pillsbury with us after 9:00 pm to allow you to enjoy the end of the conference session and the ministry time each night.
Holy Spirit Conference Youth Group is available for those entering 6th grade though 2025 high school graduates. ** **Recent high school graduates are welcome to participate in the youth ministry or the Young Adult Fellowship.
The morning sessions are held in the Lone Tree Lodge on the hilltop above the Avenue of Flags. It’s good exercise getting there!
Youth Group times: Sunday - Wednesday 8:45 to 12:15
Youth Ministry Leaders: Leaders to be determined
Students: Can you know God? Really experience Him? Can your life be free of the bazillion things that keep you down? Can you make a difference in a world that has gone wild and is far from God? YES! Ask the many teens who have seen their lives impacted and empowered here at the Holy Spirit Conference and then have affected their world at home! Go to new levels with God and learn about God's power to do His stuff. He wants to pour His love and power on His kids! Youth, please come together every morning to learn, experience, grow, encourage and change to the glory of God! We’ll have fun doing it!
We’ve been led by the Holy Spirit to cover these three aspects: Identity, Communicating with God, and Healing. We will have fun to amongst learning, that is important and community building definitely with small groups and team building.
Cell phones: The students are allowed to have their cell phones with them but during the group sessions they are asked to put them away.
Our approach: When leading a group with a wide age range God has given us a great blueprint— we treat Youth Group as a Family made up of brothers and sisters in Christ. High school-aged students are encouraged to view the middle school students as their younger brothers and sisters in Christ to help lead and guide them. We encourage the middle schoolers to learn from the older youth, but they can also help the older students to grow and be encouraged in Christ. If we split the students into small groups it will done by grade as best we can.
Parents-of-Youth Informational Meeting
Sunday evening there will be a meeting for parents before the evening session at the back of Pillsbury Hall at 6:15 pm.
Daily Schedule Locations:
Saturday to Wednesday AM: Lone Tree Lodge on the hilltop above the Avenue of Flags @ 8:45am
Evening Sessions meet: at Pillsbury Hall by 6:20pm
(We will all sit in chairs and learn together unless you’re wanting to sit with your parents)
Tuesday mornings: 10:45am-12:20pm
As a group after the daily teachings; Youth with the leaders may decide to go to the main session to hear the speaker at Pillsbury Hall. Otherwise, they will stay and have activities/fun/fellowship time.
PS: Attention High Schoolers!!!
Small Group Leaders Needed!!! High School Students if you feel the Lord leading you to step out and help we need at least 6-8 of you to lead the small groups: Daily leading discussion about what the students learned in the evening sessions and talking through each days topic (15 min)
What to bring to youth:
Bible, pencil/pen, notebook, hunger to learn and have fun!
flags, art, tambourine (that which you would like to worship with)
Youth Ministry Schedule for the Week
Daily Schedule:
8:45am Youth Gathering
9am-9:15am Worship (video)
9:15am-9:30am Small Groups (reviewing what they learned at the nightly meeting & answering daily discussion question)
9:30am-10am Teaching (Identity, Hearing From God, God given tools to deal with life’s trials, Healing; Doing ministry)
10am-10:15am Activation from the teaching/putting it into practice/life application
10:15am-10:45am Teaching
(Identity, Hearing from God, God given tools to deal with life’s trials, Healing & Words of knowledge; Doing ministry)
10:45am-11am Activation
11am-12:15pm Fun, Fellowship time (volleyball, scavenger hunt…)
Evening Activities 10:30-12am:
Monday night: Movie night Popcorn will be provided -- Giveaways (prizes)
Get comfy you can bring a blanket and pillow to watch the movie
Wednesday night: Bonfire night
Please bring a lawn chair and anything you would like to roast on the fire
Smores will be supplied (if you have a skewer please bring)
if someone has a guitar, we can do some worship
Secret Pen Pals:
Please pray and ask God what to bring with you/ what you would like to bless your pen pals with.
(we will draw names on the first day)
See you Soon!!!
The Young Adult Fellowship is a faith based, collaborative group to help young adults in their walk with Jesus.
YAF is a ministry of the Holy Spirit Renewal Conference for 2025 high school graduates through 28 years old.
The goal of YAF is summed up in Ephesians 3:17-19:
“and that the Messiah may dwell in your hearts through faith. I pray that you, being rooted and firmly established in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the length and width, height and depth of God’s love, and to know the Messiah’s love that surpasses knowledge, so you may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Young Adults love to fellowship and have fun together. The Young Adult Fellowship exists to serve the young adults by facilitating bible studies, worship, fellowship, and other activities during the conference.
The 2025 Young Adult Conference schedule:
group activities will be planned at the conference
All YAF activities are free unless announced.
Young Adult Leader:
Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries
Copyright © 2020 Holy Spirit Renewal Ministries - All Rights Reserved.
Powered by The Holy Spirit